Conference: Origin of the State

Conference: Origin of the State

There's no website available yet but further details for registering etc are promised for late summer.

Dear Colleague,

Please find below the announcement calling for papers to be delivered at the upcoming Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: Origin of the State conference in 2011. If you would like a pdf file of the announcement for posting purposes please just email your request to [email protected]. We hope to welcome you to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York next year.

Fourth International Conference Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: Origin of the State New York, July 26-30, 2011

The Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: Origin of the State will take place in New York from July 26-30, 2011. The meeting will be held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1000 Fifth Ave, New York, New York, USA) and co-sponsored by that institution and the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Detailed information on the conference, including registration, will be available later in the summer of 2010.

This announcement is the call for papers. You may submit an abstract for a 20 minute paper, a 10 minute brief communication on current fieldwork, or a poster presentation. The subject of a presentation must pertain to Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt and the origin of the Egyptian State.

If you would like to present a paper at the conference, please send the following:

1. Identify the type of presentation: paper, brief communication, or poster.
2. The title of presentation.
3. Name (s) and affiliation (s) of the author (s)
4. Email and postal address (es) of the author (s)
5. Abstract of 300 words or less in Microsoft Word, 12 pt Times Roman Script with single line spacing.
6. Email as attachment to: [email protected].

Please also note that because the diverse backgrounds of the participants, the official language of the conference will be English.

Acceptance for presentation at the conference is based upon review by the Scientific Committee of abstracts submitted.

The closing date for submitting abstracts is September 30, 2010. Details about the meeting and the registration information will be available by late summer 2010. If additional details are needed more immediately, please email Diana Craig Patch at [email protected].

Diana Craig Patch
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Matthew Adams
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

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