Archaeological events of 2007 in Egypt

Archaeological events of 2007 in Egypt

Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine el-Aref)

Identifying the mummy of the female Pharaoh, Queen Hatshepsut; uncovering the real face of the boy-king Tutankhamun; restoring the Step Pyramid of Djoser; reopening the Kuttub Khana; discovering a New Kingdom fortress in Sinai, an intact tomb brimming with fine funerary pieces in the Delta and Palaeolithic rock art depicting animals in Upper Egypt -- all part of this year's work for Egyptologists.

The year saw several important discoveries, archaeological events and the restoration of ancient Egyptian, Coptic and Islamic monuments. But there was also controversy: a demand for the loan of the Rosetta Stone by the British Museum, disagreement over the planned Cairo Financial and Tourist Centre overlooking the Salaheddin Citadel and the selection of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

See the above page for the full story. Click the rock art image for a series of of additional photographs.

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