More re objections to Cairo Financial Centre

More re objections to Cairo Financial Centre

Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref)
It is always nice to see Nevine El-Aref's name pop up at the head of an article discussing a subject that has been somewhat vaguely reported elsewhere. On this page she looks at the background to the current arguments about the half built Cairo Financial and Tourist Centre, which is located controversially close to the Salaheddin Citadel, and she lists some of the (latest) conditions imposed by UNESCO for its completion. There is an artist's impression on the above page of what the CFTC complex may look like on completion.

Director of the World Heritage Centre (WHC) Francesco Bandarin presented UNESCO's final report on the impact of the project on the integrity of the site of the citadel this week.

After receiving the report, Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni announced that after taking into consideration a range of expert opinions the CFTC scheme would be modified in such a way as to minimise its visual encroachment on the citadel.

See the above page for the full story.

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