Archaeological Find Links Syria And Egypt

Archaeological Find Links Syria And Egypt
"An important archaeological dig in southern Syria found evidence of extensive trade between ancient Egypt and Syria during the middle and old Bronze Age. An excavation team at Tel al-Dibbeh in Sweida, southern Syria, discovered clay pots with hieroglyphs used for burying children. Most of the items date to the middle to old Bronze Age and show a link between Egypt and Syria during this period, most obvious in the use of Egyptian hieroglyphs."
See the above page for the remainder of the story.

- Exhibition: Beyond Babylon
Suite 101 (Stan parchin) Thanks to Stan Parchin for sending me the above link. New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art is the sole venue for Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C. On view from November 18, 2008 to March...

- Excavations At Tel Hatzor In Israel About two weeks before the end of the last excavation season at Tel Hatzor, in July, a clay tablet with hieroglyphic was found. The tablet teaches how to forecast the future with an animal liver, a practice common in the ancient East. The...

- Czech Egyptologists Report
Thanks again to EEF for the following link in the News Digest: interview with Ladislav Bares: " Czechs are now involved in excavation work in Egypt, Syria, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria and Kuwait. All have come up with some...

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- Ancient Inscribed Slab Brought To Light - More On The Bubastis Stone (image) It shows a royal decree, written in ancient Greek, Demotic and Hieroglyphs. The inscription consists of 67 lines of Greek text...

