Archaeology Magazine Cover Survey

Archaeology Magazine Cover Survey

Archaeology Magazine / Voici

Archaeology Magazine are planning an Egyptology special issue, and will be posting more details soon. In the meantime they are asking for feedback about the magazine cover options - you can vote at the above page for the cover that you most like the look of.

Speaking for myself, if I see another picture of Nefertiti in the near future the remaining threads of sanity that I pride myself on retaining may abandon me completely. I am all Nefertiti'd out for the time being! I guess that it's one of the hazards of running a blog like this :-)

- Fun: Archaeology Magazine's Latest Cover Vote
Vovici Archeaology magazine has put its covery survey for the January-February 2010 issue online at the above page. It is always a matter of some curiosity to see the alternatives proposed. The upcoming edition of the magazine is an Ancient Egyptian...

- Special Online Feature: Priestess Of Amun
Archaeology Magazine (Eti Bonn-Muller) There is a great online feature about Meresamun on the Archaeology Magazine website. See the above page for a number of different sections which look at different aspects of Meresamun. ARCHAEOLOGY's March/April...

- Expedition Magazine - Prehistoric Abydos
Expedition Magazine Not available online, I'm afraid, but there's an article in the most recent edition of UPenn's Expedition Magazine (Volume 50, Number 3, Winter 2008) about Abydos: Prehistoric Abydos--Africa's Gateway to the World Harold...

- Ancient Egypt Magazine - August/september Issue A reminder that the Ancient Egypt Magazine is due out next month. A cover-image and some of the Contents of the next issue of Ancient Egypt Magazine are shown on the magazine's website, above, and are...

- Ancient Egypt Magazine June/july Issue Ancient Egypt Magazine's new edition will be out soon. The website shows the cover page, which features the Tutankhamun scan, Elephantine Island and Ancient Egyptian Houses. I'll post more details...

