Fun: Archaeology magazine's latest cover vote

Fun: Archaeology magazine's latest cover vote


Archeaology magazine has put its covery survey for the January-February 2010 issue online at the above page. It is always a matter of some curiosity to see the alternatives proposed.

The upcoming edition of the magazine is an Ancient Egyptian special issue.

- Expedition Magazine - Prehistoric Abydos
Expedition Magazine Not available online, I'm afraid, but there's an article in the most recent edition of UPenn's Expedition Magazine (Volume 50, Number 3, Winter 2008) about Abydos: Prehistoric Abydos--Africa's Gateway to the World Harold...

- Archaeology's March-april 2008 Cover Survey
Archaeology Magazine Poll on Vovici The editors of Archaeology Magazine want your opinions on possible covers for upcoming issues. I thought that it might be of interest, because one of the possible covers deals with the Nefertiti and what the KV63 coffins...

- Electronic Ancient Egypt Magazine Excellent news from Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine: The August/September issue of "Ancient Egypt" magazine is now available as an electronic version. The issue is available as a pdf file and a broadband connection...

- Ancient Egypt Magazine June/july Issue Ancient Egypt Magazine's new edition will be out soon. The website shows the cover page, which features the Tutankhamun scan, Elephantine Island and Ancient Egyptian Houses. I'll post more details...

- What Amarna Looked Like Although this dates back to 2003, I have only just found this article which, however, is timeless. Current World Archeaology magazine has on online version of issue 1 of its magazine, in PDF...

