Archaeology's March-April 2008 Cover Survey

Archaeology's March-April 2008 Cover Survey

Archaeology Magazine Poll on Vovici

The editors of Archaeology Magazine want your opinions on possible covers for upcoming issues. I thought that it might be of interest, because one of the possible covers deals with the Nefertiti and what the KV63 coffins reveal about her appearence. If you choose to complete their survey, it should take less than 5 minutes to complete (it took me about a minute). It is interesting just to see how the same basic information can be presented on a magazine cover in different ways, and how you respond to it. Oddly, I found the ones that featured the Nefertiti bust far less interesting than the others partly because the bust has become so tied up in my mind with the bickering between Germany and Egypt over the loan/return, and partly because images of that bust are so often associated with regurgitated discussions and descriptions of the Amarna period. The cover images that, even before looking at the text, suggested something slightly different were far more appealing. An interesting exercise.

- Nefertiti Revisited
Ahram Online (Nevine El Aref) The conflict between Egypt and Germany over the 3,400-year-old iconic bust of Queen Nefertiti has again come to the fore following the discovery of a 1924 document revealing the mysterious story behind Germany's possession...

- How Deceit Won A Beautiful Woman
Al Ahram Weekly Can a 1924 document charging German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt with cheating to secure the Nefertiti bust for Germany guarantee its return to Egypt? Nevine El-Aref investigates Bust of Queen Nefertiti The conflict between Egypt and...

- More Re Egypt Vs. Germany Re Nefertiti This is probably the best summary of the situation and the various remarks made, to date. I did find it interesting that Hawass says that he believes that Germany are afraid that...

- Nefertiti Going Nowhere
Germany's Minister of Culture Bern Nuemann said today that the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues museum in Berlin will stay in Berlin. The minister was responding to the Egyptian Minister of culture Dr. Zahi Hawass who keeps threatening to make an official...

- The Great Game
Interesting article on a new exhibition going on at the Ruhr museum in Essen, Germany called The great game: Archaeology and politics in the colonial period. The show deals with the controversy over the bust of Nefertiti found at Tell el Amarna in 1912...

