Archaeology Magazine Review of Ramesses TV Show

Archaeology Magazine Review of Ramesses TV Show
It is necessary to page down to about half way down this page, which shows a number of reviews. The show described is Rameses - Wrath of God or Man - it offers a critique of the programme, starting with the words: "Bones from Egypt's Valley of the Kings are a sure-fire attention getter, but a big budget and lots of computer-generated images are not guarantees of a great program as the Discovery Channel's heavily promoted Rameses: Wrath of God or Man shows. Here, what could be an interesting, if less ambitious, documentary about trying to identify the human remains from KV 5 is hijacked by the biblical tale of the plagues and Exodus." It goes on from there.

- Biblical Plagues Really Happened Say Scientists
The Telegraph (Richard Gray)  Researchers believe they have found evidence of real natural disasters on which the ten plagues of Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, were based. But rather...

- Evidence For The Ten Plagues Of Egypt At Time Of Ramesses Ii
The Telegraph (Richard Gray) Researchers believe they have found evidence of real natural disasters on which the ten plagues of Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, were based. But rather than...

- Mark Rose On Discovery's Latest Kv63 Offering Mark Rose continues to do a great job on the Archaeology magazine website with a new piece on the Discovery Channel's programme about the opening of the last coffin at KV63, accompanied by some...

- Review: Egypt Untold (Hollywood Reporter) Review of the first in a three part series about ancient Egypt and its explorers, showing on the Discovery Channel in the US: "The first in a trilogy of films on Egypt (Secrets of the Rosetta Stone and Rameses:...

- Review Of Fletcher's New Book On Nefertiti A really rather damning review of Joann Fletcher’s new book on Nefertiti from Archaeology Magainze. I flipped through it a couple of weeks ago, for about 10 minutes which, while not being...

