Artifacts Resurface 35 Years later

Artifacts Resurface 35 Years later

In the mid 1970's archaeologists working on behalf of Tel Aviv University at a site in the Sinai called Kuntillet Ajrud excavated a number of artifacts, artifacts which were presented to Egypt and never seen again. Recently as a result of the revolution the collection of artifacts has been found and is now in storage at the Cairo museum.

- Exhibition: Egyptian Antiquities At Dartmouth
The Dartmouth (Anisha Mohin) Over the past few years, Dartmouth’s resident Egyptologist Christine Lilyquist has spent tireless hours cataloging and researching Dartmouth’s collection of ancient Egyptian objects. Her work culminated in the creation...

- 145 Islamic Artifacts Stolen From Auc
bikyamasr Egypt`s Minister of State for Antiquities Zahi Hawass said on Tuesday that around 145 Islamic artifacts were stolen from the American University in Cairo in March. He said in a statement that along with the artifacts, 50 other replicas were...

- Stolen Artifacts Return

- Robbery Of Cairo U Archaeology Museum
This is an article on a robbery of the museum of Cairo University apparently a month ago. The collection of artifacts at the museum contains 1950 objects from the Pharaonic, Coptic and Muslim era's held in two halls. The museum has been closed since...

- The Mayor Of Memphis
Recent excavations by archaeologists working for the archaeological faculty of the Cairo university have unearthed the tomb of Ptahmes a nineteenth dynasty Mayor of Memphis. The tomb was last seen by collectors in 1885 and a number of artifacts from it...

