Avenue of Rams

Avenue of Rams

This is another article on the fast paced excavation of the ancient avenue of rams with everything in its path being demolished for the peoples own good, that is according to the governor of Luxor. The evicted residents are being offered money or another flat for their demolished homes.

The precedents is not good for the residents of Luxor who need only to look at the people evicted from Gurna a couple of years ago many of who are less than happy and facing problems receiving water and electricity in their new government given homes.

There is also talk that the excavation of the avenue is turning up mostly battered and unrecognizable pieces of statuary (rams).

- The Current State Of The Avenue Of The Sphinxes
Luxor Times An article looking at all the internal problems involved with the construction of the Avenue of the Sphinxes, a project which has divided people in Luxor and beyond. With a great many photographs to illustrate the writer's point. The...

- More Evictions At Qurna
International Herald Tribune Almost 60 mud brick houses were demolished Sunday near tombs in the ancient Egyptian city of Luxor after security forces used tear gas to force out residents, according to inhabitants. For the past half century, local authorities...

- Words From The Governor
The governor of Luxor Samir Farag defends the demolition taking place to build the avenue of rams. Governor Farag said at a Lions club symposium, "No one can scare me. No one is more important than the government, and I will not be threatened by the media...

- Taking Lessons From Mussolini
The avenue of rams is on the fast track to be completed in three years though UNESCO wanted a twenty year restoration. Here we have an article on the rough eviction of a Anglican pastor his wife and small child to demolish their home and the churches...

- Waste Of Space
Those brown nosers at UNESCO have sent one of their own on another fact finding mission to Luxor, Egypt. World class indeed you can imagine the champagne magazine at Luxor was well stocked for this showboat. The UNESCO official praised the restoration...

