Taking lessons from Mussolini

Taking lessons from Mussolini

The avenue of rams is on the fast track to be completed in three years though UNESCO wanted a twenty year restoration. Here we have an article on the rough eviction of a Anglican pastor his wife and small child to demolish their home and the churches property to make way for the avenue.

That's what Mussolini did in his efforts to get down to the imperial remains of Rome as fast as possible leaving everything in the path destroyed simply to achieve his twisted vision of history. The brutal tactics and nineteenth century style excavation but with bulldozers does not even live up to the Supreme council of antiquities own standards at least those set for everyone else.

Not archaeology but more likely a wasteful regrettable moment that will not enhance the reputation of a certain Egyptian "archaeologist".

- Discoveries Along Avenue Of Sphinxes
Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi) With photo of Nilometer Egyptian archaeologists carrying routine excavations at the so-called “Avenue of Sphinxes,” have unearthed the remains of a 5th century Egyptian Christian church and a "nilometer," a structure...

- More Re The Avenue Of Sphinxes In Luxor
The Times (Matthew Campbell) Visitors will have the chance to stroll under the imperious gaze of the sphinxes — mythological creatures with the body of a lion and head of a human or ram. The remainder of the buried avenue, 75 yards wide and flanked...

- Khufu's Ships Burn!
The big news in Egyptology today is the excavation and restoration of King Khufu's second boat which was found in a pit next to that kings famous pyramid at Giza. The boat may well have been left protected where it lay for more than forty five centuries...

- Avenue Of Rams
This is another article on the fast paced excavation of the ancient avenue of rams with everything in its path being demolished for the peoples own good, that is according to the governor of Luxor. The evicted residents are being offered money...

- The Avenue Of Mice
This is a report critical of the restoration of the avenue of sphinxes by the Supreme council of antiquities. The avenue restoration has caused evictions of people living in homes on top of the avenue. The residents have been offered new homes built far...

