Baby Mummies at the Royal Ontario Museum

Baby Mummies at the Royal Ontario Museum

The Royal Ontario Museum has always had a place in my heart as one of my favorite haunts in the years I lived in Toronto. Another is the Gardiner Museum across the street from the ROM.

Here is a video featuring ROM egyptologist Gayle Gibson on a pair of Egyptian baby mummies in the collection. Oddly enough for me it was not the Egyptian collection I was interested in but rather the Chinese collection was more to my taste in those days, how odd!

- Virtual Reality Tour Of The Rom's Mummy Babies
The Star, Ontario With video. Gayle Gibson, a teacher and Egyptologist at the ROM, takes us behind the scenes and reveals fascinating details of two little mummies in their collection. The mummies have not been on display to the public for decades and...

- Hidden Treasures At The Royal Ontario Museum
Toronto Sun (Kevin Connor) With video. Some curators at the Royal Ontario Museum seem introverted and not keen on sharing their artifacts — and then there is Egyptology educator Gayle Gibson. Her personality is as large as a pyramid and she was delighted...

- Cat Scan Of Adult Mummy From Royal Ontario Museum
The Star The above article looks at results from scans on four mummies owned by the Royal Ontario Museum, one of which, an anonymous adult, was scanned last week. The previously scanned mummies are also described, including two infants and a female musician...

- Cancer Rare In Mummies

- Hatshepsut In Toronto
This is an article based on lectures at the Royal Ontario museum unfortunately when mentioning the people who have excavated at Deir el Bahari the author forgot to mention Charles Currelly. Mr. Currelly was one of the most important people whom without...

