Cancer Rare in Mummies

Cancer Rare in Mummies

This is an excellent video on cancer research on ancient mummies which has apparently shown that out of a thousand mummies studied only one was found to have cancer. The video focuses on the Cairo museum and particularly it's collection of royal mummies.

- Debating The Ancient Egyptian Cancer Question
ArchNews In direct contradiction to the recent Manchester University article in Nature stating cancer is 'man made' Paula Veiga strongly argues the case for the existence of cancer in Ancient Egyptians. Citing both her own research during her...

- Mummies Examined For Rates Of Cancer
The Telegraph, UK (Richard Alleyne) Researchers looking at almost a thousand mummies from ancient Egypt and South America found only a handful suffered from cancer when now it accounts for nearly one in three deaths. The findings suggest that it is modern...

- Seriously Off-topic: Scientists Crack 'entire Genetic Code' Of Cancer
BBC News with video Such good news for the potential of cancer research that I just couldn't resist posting it. Amongst all the very important small steps to finding more ways of fighting cancer this really is a biggie. Egyptology News Blog, Andie...

- Prostate Cancer In Mummy
A Ptolemaic mummy of a middle aged man known as M1 is being studied by an international team of researchers to see what ailed the man. Through CT scanning the team have found prostate cancer would have made his life miserable for years before he died....

- Tutankhamen Unwrapped
This is an excellent set of Video's by Discovery on the tests that have been going on examining the royal mummies. Remarkable are the images of the two mummies from tomb Kv21 as well as the results which show much of the Amarna royal family has been...

