Tutankhamen Unwrapped

Tutankhamen Unwrapped

This is an excellent set of Video's by Discovery on the tests that have been going on examining the royal mummies. Remarkable are the images of the two mummies from tomb Kv21 as well as the results which show much of the Amarna royal family has been found.

- More On The Tutankhamun/ Akhenaten Dna Debate
Dylan Bickerstaffe's Exploring Ancient Lands Thanks to Kate Phizackerly for linking to Dylan Bickerstaff's article. As regular visitors to this blog will know, Kate challenged the identification of the KV55 mummy as Akhenaten. In Kate's words...

- The Tomb Of Nefertiti
Well all is set for Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves to investigate Tutankhamun's tomb hoping to find a doorway behind one of two walls or both. Mr. Reeves believes that Nefertiti's burial chamber may be behind one of them. This theory coming from...

- Cancer Rare In Mummies

- The Forgotten Boy
In the recent two year study of Eighteenth Dynasty royal mummies it seems that this boy from a side chamber in valley of kings tomb KV 35 was not included. There are artifacts from the tomb Kv 35 which belong to a son of Amenhotep II named Webensenu as...

- Theban Royal Mummy Project Update
Here is a new video and images of the royal mummies room in the Cairo museum and the funerary equipment of Yuya and Thuya. http://anubis4_2000.tripod.com/mummypages1/intro.htm...

