Back to Autumnal London

Back to Autumnal London

It was a pretty drive back. Even the motorways were flanked by vistas of Autumnal leaf change. The colours were marvellous in the bright sunshine. My house was still standing patiently where I left it, but I had so much post that I had to fight with the door to get in!

I'm going to update the blog this week with both new stories and older ones, so it will be a bit of a mix for the next few days. I'm going to organize old stories by website rather than date because it's quicker than doing it by date (today, for example, I've started with Hawass's site). and I've bundled more up to date stories by category. I'll get it back up to date before I sit down and work out how to manage it going forward. I have all the suggestions printed off and I shall be adopting many of the ideas that were put forward.

I have switched the comments functionality back on now that I'm reunited with my broadband connection. At the moment I have opted to moderate them so that I can keep an eye on spam, but I'll turn off moderation when things are back to normal.

- The View From The Mountain
A week ago I had a phone line put in at a tiny house half way up a mountain. I now have dial-up and can pick up my easynet emails. A major advance! I have been confined to a mobile phone for the last couple of months. I have disabled comments on the...

- Wow! Thank You So Much.
Thanks so much to everyone for the comments and the emails. I feel so much better about things knowing that the blog is actually enjoyed and that the concesus is that it is worth maintaining. That's the first decision made. I have printed off everything...

- Blog - Looking For A Solution To A Couple Of Problems
This is something of a cry for help. 1) I am sure that most of you have noticed that whenever I go away the blog ceases to be updated for a while because I simply cannot keep up with it. It takes a minimum of an hour a day to update, and when I'm...

- Andie Update
As the blog is being maintained very efficiently by Ben this is not so much of a "blog update" as an Andie update! Hopefully I will be able to stop imposing so much on Ben in the next few weeks and start posting again so that he can use his valuable time...

- Donkeys Originated In Africa? "Researchers used an increasingly popular method called a genetic clock, in which genetic mutations can be calculated for each generation, and then generations of two separate species can be counted...

