Base for Statuette of Sekhemka

Base for Statuette of Sekhemka

In the Brooklyn Museum is the statuette of Sekhemka, the diorite statue of Sekhemka sits on this base made of limestone and painted to resemble the statuette. The statuette was repaired in ancient times as is seen by an ancient drill hole on the broken surface.

Originally the statuette was probably a royal sculpture of the old kingdom perhaps late dynasty 5 that was broken and reused by Sekhemka as his mortuary statue.

Here are a number of views of the statuette and it's base including the Brooklyn Museum's study of the object.

Photo: Seated Statuette of Sekhemka, ca. 2400-2345 B.C.E. Diorite and painted limestone, 15 1/4 x 7 7/8 x 16 1/4 in. (38.7 x 20 x 41.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund, 37.23E. Creative Commons-BY-NCImage: front, 37.23E_front_PS2.jpg. Brooklyn Museum photograph, 2007

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