Black Holes

Black Holes

                                            Black Holes

      The phenomenon that is refereed to as Black Holes are the Universe's most powerful objects. They are located at the very centre of a galaxy, and can make up a large portion of a Galaxy. As much as 40%, or as little as 2%, and serve an important role in the outcome of our Universe. Our Universe stability exists because of Black Holes. Not the other way around. They are the time clocks or the time pieces of our Universe. A Black Hole's purpose is to preserve the Universe. It does this by conserving time.

     Black Holes are described by Einstein Theorists as a mass so large forming a singularity that light cannot emit..Is this the case? Is there some other observed phenomenon that can help explain Black Holes?

     By observing black spots on the Sun, we can help explain one of the most unusual occurrences in the Universe.

     Black Spots on the Sun exhibit the same phenomenon as Black Holes. By studying Black Spots we can relate to a better understanding of Black Holes.

     Black spots have very strong and active magnetic fields, upwards to 3000 Gauss. Black Spots exhibit NO or marginal mass, but similar to Black Holes they are both not allowing light to emit from their surface, so therefore the cause is not related to their mass, as Black Spots have little or no mass, but relates to their magnetic field disturbance. Hence light not emitting from the surface of black spots is due to their magnetic field.

     By simple deduction it must be the magnetic field of both and not the mass of either, the Black Holes or Black Spots, that is causing the anomaly of not allowing light to escape it's surface.What would cause light to slow due to a magnetic field?

     Light travels in the medium of time, and the magnetic field alters the medium that light travels in; so as the medium is slowed the relative speed of light is also slowed.

     This is exactly what Maxwell postulated in the mid 1800's that light and a magnetic field are of the same phenomenon.

      Black Spots are evidence that Einstein's field equations are wrong.

      As light travels through this active magnetic field, time is being contracted.  The faster time is contracted, the light travelling in this medium, appears to slow from our relative position. As the speed of contracting time continues to slow and finally reaches zero, the relative speed of light stops and the object eventually disappears from our sight and turns black.Hence Black Holes are able to maintain the existence of the Universe by slowing and conserving time

     This time /space distortion by the Sun has been proven by Shapiro's experiments in the mid 1960's, but contrary to his equation the mass of the Sun is not causing this distortion

     If the spinning magnetic field is strong enough, time not only stops moving forward, but will actually travel in the opposite direction.

     Black Holes have the ability to not only contract time but to also contract space which is observed. Galaxies that are approaching these Black Holes appear to be closer in their relative proximity to each other. Distances are reduced. This is caused by space being contracted. Space contraction results in the acceleration of these galaxies that increases, as they near the centre of the Black Hole. This is in keeping with the second law of Kepler. The more space is contracted  by the Black Hole or in the case of our Solar System, the Sun, the faster the planet or object accelerates and the less space in it's elliptical orbit as it nears it's perigee. Whether it's a galaxy or a planet they follow the laws of physics. This is the reason why planets behave as they do in elliptical orbits, and follow the law of conservation of angular motion. They're accelerating as space in which they are travelling distance is being contracted. This in effect causes the orbit to elongate into an elliptical orbit. An elliptical orbit of changing velocities.

     These Black Spots produce huge active spinning magnetic fields which can be seen from the earth, The magnetic flux on the Sun relative to the size of the earth in the fig. below also appears to torque.
This would indicate a twisting or turning action.

      Is a Black spot similar to looking straight down at the end of a bar magnet and observing the magnetic field as it curls back towards it's opposing pole? In the illustration below of a Sun Spot the magnetic field is curling back into the pole, just as the magnetic field is curling back in Bar Magnet.


      Does this bar magnetic extend to the very centre of the Sun.
Could the conditions on the surface of  black spot be artificially reproduced, to slow time and space?
To produce a magnetic field that spins through time.

                                  A 'gigantic hole' in the sun's atmosphere, hovering over the solar north pole has been photographed by a space telescope
      Above illustrates one of the largest black holes in history as recorded in 2013. Is this the precursor to what a Black Hole appears? If Einstein's theory is correct; then the Sun's mass would have to been dramatically increased to stop light from emitting it's surface..Has the Sun's mass ever increased? Is this even logical?

      The central area of a black spot is known as the Umbra and is by far the blackest, emitting no light, which is the very end of the magnetic pole. Would the opposing pole instantly appear near the centre of the Sun as this magnetic surface spot appears?

For further readings;

Blog; {Pulsars; The Universe's Most Powerful Object}

- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
DigiZeitschriften Thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. Le Musée Egyptien  al-Mathaf al-Misrī     1909-1915 Le Musée Egyptien Band 3     1904-1907 Le Musée Egyptien Band 2    ...

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