Does Dark Matter Really Exist

Does Dark Matter Really Exist

                                                          Dark Matter

     A noted astronomer Vera Rubin, was able to detect with accuracy an unusual phenomenon. Galaxies rotate around their central mass quite differently than our planets orbit around our Sun in our solar system.

     In our solar system planets are free to orbit independently of each other, and follow the physical laws of nature as outlined by Kepler and Newton. The further out planets orbit the Sun the slower they travel. As an example using Pluto..Pluto's orbital speed is a mere fast walk compared to the blistering speed of Mercury's orbit.

     In Rubin's detailed analysis, galaxies seem to break the laws of known physics. The further out you travel in a galaxy, orbital speed slightly increases.

     These results are not what would have been expected.

     Astronomers were quick to explain this seemingly contradiction in scientific law. The resulting conclusion was there had to been an unknown and therefore an unseen mass accounting for this irregularity in predicted results. Hence Dark Matter was postulated and has been accepted into the scientific community.

      Why the discrepancy in our solar system v.s. a galaxy?

There is three basic errors made in comparing the two systems.

1) The planets in our solar system orbit independently of each other while the star systems in a galaxy do not. In fact they are tied to each other.
2) The closest star systems in a galaxy are nearly fixed to the central mass while those further out from the centre of the star systems are being dragged or pulled along. This causes the whole system as a whole to rotate in one direction This is not in any way similar to the independent orbiting of our planets around the Sun which follow the laws of angular conservation.
3)  The central mass of a galaxy is not as described by Einstein theorists. A mass so great that light cannot escape causing a singularity. The central mass of a galaxy has two or more immense pulsars orbiting extremely fast in a very tight inner orbit. These fast orbiting pulsars are what causes the pulling action and rotation on the star systems in their respective galaxies.

Pulsars are different than any known object. They have the ability to contract space in a very pronounced manner. This contraction of space, scientifically reported in "03, is what causes the orbital behaviour of a galaxy.

In the whirlpool galaxy above, note that the stars are seemingly attached like spokes on a wheel around the spinning central mass.This is not similar in anyway to our orbiting planets.
As these stars are being dragged along in unison those further out from the centre will possess higher orbital velocities. Just like a whip is being rotated over your head. The tip of the whip will travel at higher speeds.

     The number of Pulsars at the centre of a galaxy can actually be determined, by simply counting the spokes on the wheel of the spinning galaxy. Each Pulsars is accounting for a similar number of star systems in it's grasp.

      A galaxy that seems to have a continuous rotation of star systems indicates the degree how tight the Pulsars are orbiting and at what velocity.

Galaxy rotational rates do NOT contravene any scientific law.
Therefore Dark Matter does NOT exist.

     Pulsars are naturally attracted to each other. Their huge spinning magnetic field contracts space and slows time, which inevitably draws two Pulsars together into an ever stronger and decaying orbit. Any star cluster in the region will also be drawn into this ever more powerful dance.

    This is the beginning formation of a black hole and how a galaxy is initially formed.

For further reading: Blog. Pulsars: the Universe's most Powerful Object

- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
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