Pulsars; The Universe's Most Powerful Object

Pulsars; The Universe's Most Powerful Object

    Pulsars are very dense stars that produce extremely strong magnetic fields, up to a 1010 tesla field . Their magnetic poles (from the illustration) are not aligned with their axis of rotation, which as they rotate on this axis, casts their radiation emissions, in a wide sweep across the Universe. This may hit the Earth and be detected. It has been found that these pulses of radiation have a precise time interval as the star rotates each time.


    This magnetic field is so strong it will not allow life to exist. The field strength is able to even distort matter itself. Hydrogen and Helium atoms are distorted in a vacuum space that becomes polarized. This polarization of space produces a birefringent effect.. Atomic atoms extend into rod shapes as reported by an article in '03 Scientific American. The Hydrogen atom becomes a spindle 200 times narrower than it's normal shape.

     This indicates that magnetic fields spinning through space can distort space itself. Is this the cause of the time space distortion that Einstein first demonstrated as light past a distant Stars magnetic field?
     Is this what caused the time space distortion in Shapiro's experiments in the mid 1960's? The spinning magnetic field of the Sun.
     Is this the same reason that Black Spots do not emit light from their surface, as they are distorting time space? Black Spots have marginal or no measurable mass, but demonstrate large and very active magnetic fields. Are these magnetic fields in Black Spots that are causing a distortion of  time space?

      Birefringent is responsible for the double reflection of light that can been seen through certain crystals. The object appears twice when viewed through this polarized material or space. Light rays take two parallel paths as it passes through this polarized medium.

As seen by this crystal, as illustrated above, the object appears twice.
      Could not this be the reason for Einstein's explanation of Gravitational Lensing. Distant grouping of stars are seen twice when viewed through a telescope.
     The first gravitational lens was found in 1979 by Dennis Walsh, Robert F. Carswell and Ray J. Weymann, who identified the double quasar Q0957+561 as a double image of one and the same distant quasar, produced by a gravitational lens.

                                          Double quasar Q0957+561, seen here as two bright white disks
The effect of double refraction can been seen in the illustration above, due to a Pulsars extremely strong spinning magnetic field polarizing space...this effect that has long been determined to be from Einstein's Mass/Gravity theory.

University of Peking, China recently put forth this interesting theory;
     It is suggesting that a number of Pulsars are orbiting near the centre of a galaxy, and may be causing the distortion in time space that has been attributed to Einsteins Black Holes. Black Holes have never seen but their effects are observed. Theories suggest their mass is so large, no light can emit it's surface,
     Are the Pulsar's massive spinning magnetic fields responsible for this distorting time space?

Pulars, if existing and detectable in the immediate vicinity of the massive black hole (MBH) in the Galactic center (GC), may be used as a superb tool to probe both the environment and the metric of the central MBH. The recent discovery of a magnetized pulsar in the GC suggests that many more pulsars should exist near the MBH. In this paper, we estimate the number and the orbital distribution of pulsars in the vicinity of the MBH in the GC by assuming that the pulsar progenitors, similar to the GC S-stars, were captured to orbits tightly bound to the MBH through the tidal breakup of stellar binaries. We use the current observations on both the GC S-stars and the hypervelocity stars to calibrate the injection rate(s) of and the dynamical model(s) for the stellar binaries. By including the relaxation processes, supernova kicks, and gravitational wave radiation in our simulations, we estimate that \~{}97-190 (9-14) pulsars may presently orbit the central MBH with semimajor axes łt}=4000 AU (łt}=1000 AU), which is compatible with the current observational constraints on the number of the GC pulsars. The semimajor axis and the pericenter distance of the pulsar closest to the central MBH are probably in the range of \~{}120-460 AU and \~{}2-230 AU, respectively. Future telescopes, such as the Square Kilometer Array, may be able to detect a significant number of pulsars with semimajor axis smaller than a few thousand AU in the GC. Long-term monitoring of these pulsars would be helpful in constraining both the environment and the metric of the central MBH. Our preferred model also results in about ten hyperfast pulsars with velocity {\gt}\~{} 1500 km s1 moving away from the Milky Way. 

        Does this alter our view, of the Universe? 

It would indicate that a magnetic field in a certain set of  circumstance, can create a phenomenon that  contracts time and space.
Now mankind needs to artificially reproduce this in a lab.  

To reproduce the magnetic field of a Pulsar is not within the realm of our ability, nor would we attempt such a project fully knowing the detrimental effects of such a force.

But; water can easily be polarized and when using a spinning magnetic field it will produce a spinning polarization of the water molecule. When water is polarized the Hydrogen atoms take an opposite charge to the Oxygen atom, which in effect can weaken or strengthen the molecule depending on external forces. When in a spinning magnetic field, certain sub atomic particles spin in the same direction as the field.

Now by placing a diamagnetic material perpendicular to the field, a magnetic field "mirror" is produced. Bismuth and Mercury are the two strongest diamagnetic elements known.

This in effect duplicates what a Pulsar does in space..

Time is the most valuable commodity in the Universe. If altering time can be artificially created then all other committees have exactly no value. Distance traveled in the Universe becomes a moot point if the time required is negligible. Turn time into a commodity.

For Further  reading;

                                     Blog;{For Man to Become God}

- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
DigiZeitschriften Thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. Le Musée Egyptien  al-Mathaf al-Misrī     1909-1915 Le Musée Egyptien Band 3     1904-1907 Le Musée Egyptien Band 2    ...

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- Black Holes
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