Straw Walker's Time Space Calculations

Straw Walker's Time Space Calculations

                             Calculating Space Contraction


     A star's ability to alter time/space is one of the most intriguing phenomenon discovered in modern physics. A star is able to slow time and contract space by it's massive spinning magnetic field.

     This phenomenon has been detected and calculated by observing the delta time of radar being bounced back from a planet that is directly opposite our sun. The round trip differential time is approximately 200 microseconds. This experiment  has been redone many times since the mid 60's starting with Shapiro's experiments, to redefine the time to some 213 microseconds, but for simplicity sake, we'll calculate, a single pass delta time as 100 microseconds.

     There is 2 basic ways to change the velocity of a body.
1) Accelerate the body itself
2) Alter the medium that the body is travelling in to alter the overall velocity of the object.

     A star's magnetic field alters the medium that light is travelling in, not light itself. This has been calculated by the slowing of time by 100 microseconds.  Light travels in the medium of time and as time is slowed, the velocity of light appears to us as slowing. 

     Stars have different strengths of magnetic fields and this effects the amount of time that is slowed. As the time is further slowed, as in the case of a Black Hole, the relative speed of light approaches zero. When this occurs the object appears black. Light does not exist in a Black Hole.

     Space is also altered by the star's field strength, but unlike time, altered space cannot be detected. Not detected but can be determined by calculations.

Speed of light is;
     299,792,458 m/sec
The medium of time by our sun is slowed light by 100 microseconds, and is thus equal to the value of the space that is similarly contracted.

Thus by multiplying the delta time into the speed of light, the medium of space for our sun can be calculated as being contracted by 

                                                              29.9 km

The contraction of space, the medium that planets, comets and asteroids travel in, has the effect of accelerating these bodies as they approach the sun causing an elliptical orbit. 
This is observed and is known as Kepler's 2nd law. 

     To be brief: As space is contracted objects in this medium will accelerate, while time will slow giving a slower relative speed of light; conversely as space is expanded objects travelling in this space slow, while time speeds up and the relative speed of light increases.

Kepler's 3rd law which Newton used to formulate his gravity equation, is the Square
of the orbital period (yrs) divided by the cube of the semi major axis to equal a constant.

Image result for keplers 3rd law

T (y)

Distance above are in metres not "au" and periods are in earth years.
The sun's contacted space in metres is 2.99 X 10 4th power

Contracted space
______________    = acceleration in 3 dimensions from the point of the Sun

Kepler's Constant

The Sun can be said to have a magnitude. As this number increases the strength of the sun's magnetic field correspondingly increases, until it reaches the magnitude that exists at the centre of a galaxy.

for further reading; Pulsars; the Universe's Most Powerful Object

- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
DigiZeitschriften Thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. Le Musée Egyptien  al-Mathaf al-Misrī     1909-1915 Le Musée Egyptien Band 3     1904-1907 Le Musée Egyptien Band 2    ...

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