Blog suspended until further notice

Blog suspended until further notice

Apologies to all visitors but I am temporarily moving from London to north Wales due to the illness of my mother, and will not be in a position to udpate the blog for the forseeable future.

I will of course begin to update it again at some point in the future, although I have no way of predicting when. Certainly not until next year. I will send an email to EEF when I resume posts.

My thanks to everyone, and particularly to Kat Newkirk, Chris Townsend and Ben Morales-Correa.

Best wishes to all

- Happy Birthday To The Blog
And I'm feeling its age! :-) Thanks so much for all the good wishes for my birthday - they were great! Sorry for the Oscars-like length of this, but this year there have been so many contributors. Many, many thanks to everyone listed below,...

- Blog Update
I am off to Wales this morning for my annual birthday celebration. 45 this year! Eeeeek. How time flies. I may be able to udpate the blog whilst I'm there, but don't be surprised if I don't get the time. I will be back in London on the 30th...

- Blog Update
Hi to all First of all, a HUGE thanks to Ben Morales-Correa for picking things up where I left off, particularly as I gave him no notice and I was away for much longer than I originally planned. Many many thanks also to Kat Newkirk, as ever, for continuing...

- Blog Update
Hello to everyone Thanks HUGELY to Ben Morales-Correa for doing such a fantastic job whilst I was soaking up the sun and sights in Italy. You would not believe how much it has lightened my load to know that, thanks to Ben's work, I don't have...

- Blog Updates From March 4th 2007
I have now updated the blog with backdated news items between 4th March 2007 up to and including today, 23rd March 2007. You will need to go into the March 2007 archive to see all the older posts. I have marked the point at which they begin with a large...

