Happy birthday to the blog

Happy birthday to the blog

And I'm feeling its age! :-)

Thanks so much for all the good wishes for my birthday - they were great!

for the Oscars-like length of this, but this year there have been so many contributors.

Many, many thanks to everyone listed below, either for contributing directly to the blog, for sending me links, news, photographs or commenting with interesting observations about posts. As I've observed many times before, this blog would be a very pale thing without the efforts of all its contributors and supporters.

Special thanks, of course, to Ben for keeping the blog running whilst I was away at the end of last year by taking over the blog, and for Kat for helping him to do it.

Kat Newkirk
Ben Morales-Correa
Chris Townsend
Bob Partridge
Diane Leeman

Stan Parchin
Thierry Benderitter
David Petersen and Oxford
Rhio Barnhart
Tony Marson
Simon Clenell
Geoff Carter
Jonathan Calvert
Jane Akshar
Vincent Brown
Geoffrey Tassie
Rinus Ormerling
David Gill
Nick Reeves
George Stilwell
Ingeborg Waanders
Pierfranco Dotti
Rick Menges
Andrew Humphreys
Kate Phizackerley
Peter White
Paul Rymer
Huib Bennekom
Richard Vijay
Angela Brown
Lin Wang
John Wyatt
Debra Conway
Brian Hunt
Fred Sierevogel
Patricia from Texas
Paula Veiga
Noreen Doyle
Roy Pool
Helen Strudwick
Alan (Robot 9)
Brian Yare
Mark Fox
John Rauchert
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology for permission to use photos

Google Reader
Google Alerts

Apologies to anyone I've missed out!

- Online Resources: Egyptology News Sources
Late last year I promised to do a list of all the best Egyptology news blogs and websites. These are the ones that I know of. Do let me know of any others. Egyptology News Andie Byrnes Updated several times a week. Links with sample paragraphs. Photo...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
Apologies for the unplanned absence. Lots seems to have been happening in the world of Egyptology whilst I was away. I've added the cream of the crop above. There are other news items to come, but I thought that this was probably enough for one day....

- Blogs To Watch
I don't report on these on a daily basis, although I have them all saved to Google Reader for my own entertainment. If there are any news items that I think may be of interest then I report them, but the daily updates are interesting in their own...

- Blog Update
Hi to all First of all, a HUGE thanks to Ben Morales-Correa for picking things up where I left off, particularly as I gave him no notice and I was away for much longer than I originally planned. Many many thanks also to Kat Newkirk, as ever, for continuing...

- Happy Christmas - And A Website With Imhotep Museum Photos
A very sincere Happy Christmas to all visitors, with special thanks to the following for being good e-friends to myself and the blog (in absolutely no particular order, although Kat gets five gold stars for all the news articles that she sends me): Kat...

