Daily Photo by Bob Partridge (Ancient Egypt Magazine)

Daily Photo by Bob Partridge (Ancient Egypt Magazine)

Apologies for the unplanned absence. Lots seems to have been happening in the world of Egyptology whilst I was away. I've added the cream of the crop above. There are other news items to come, but I thought that this was probably enough for one day.

I wouldn't have been able to backtrack without the email help from Kat, with additional contributions from Ben Morales-Correa, Diane Leeman, Tony Marson, Rhio Barnhart, Huib Bennekom and Pierfranco Dotti.

Special thanks to Francis for a small virtual kick when I needed one.

Close up of the statue of Rahotep and Nofret in the Cairo Museum
Painted limestone. Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynaty.
From the mastaba of Rahotep in Meidum.

With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine.
Copyright Bob Partridge

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