Daily Photo by Bob Partridge

Daily Photo by Bob Partridge

I am alternating between Rick Menges and Bob Partridge on a weekly basis because their photographs are so very different and all so interesting! I have lots of both so I should be able to keep going for a long time. I've also found some more that were kindly provided by Tony Marson lurking in a dark corner of Outlook, so there is going to be a great mix of really good photographs to come in the next couple of months.

This week we are with Bob at Edfu. If you want to find out about Edfu Su Bayfield's Egypt Monuments site as usual provides a good summary. If you want to find out about the work being carried out at Edfu do have a look at the Tell Edfu Project website, where you can download excellent newsletters from 2005, with photographs, plans and descriptions of the work. Their next season will be winter 2009.

Copyright Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine,
with my thanks

- Excavations At Tell Edfu
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- Online Resource - The Edfu Project
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- Update: Temple Mill, Leeds
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- Daily Photo By Anthony Marson
Edfu Thanks to Tony Marson for sending me a batch of photos some time ago, which re-appeared like a genie in my Inbox recently. Here's one to add to Bob's Edfu series - a lovely shot of one of the sections of the monument being professionally...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
I've now used all of Tony Marson's excellent photographs, but fear not! Rescue has come from two sources. Thanks very much to Bob for sending me a massive new batch of photos to use on the blog. I've had a quick flick through and they are...

