HAPPY CHRISTMAS - and a website with Imhotep Museum photos

HAPPY CHRISTMAS - and a website with Imhotep Museum photos

A very sincere Happy Christmas to all visitors, with special thanks to the following for being good e-friends to myself and the blog (in absolutely no particular order, although Kat gets five gold stars for all the news articles that she sends me):

  • Kat Newkirk
  • Chris Townsend
  • Carolin Johansen
  • Jennifer Mason
  • Kevin LaCroix
  • Jane Akshar
  • Greg Reeder
  • Aayko Eyma
  • Mark Morgan
  • Bob Partridge
  • Nick Reeves
  • Paula Veiga
  • Thierry Benderitter
  • Geoffrey Tassie
  • Andras Zboray
  • Everyone who emailed and commented re my recent illness - you made me feel so much better.

Again, thanks so much to everyone for all your good wishes re my recent health problems. I received a phonecall from the hospital yesterday to say that the latest test results show improvement, and I can remain out of hospital for the moment - no more dialysis, no more hosptial beds, no more hospital food!! As a thank-you to all of you, I've put together a little website - a collection of around 45 photographs taken in November 2006 of artefacts in the new Imhotep Museum at Saqqara. It is at www.imhotep.cd2.com. I hope that it gives some of you some pleasure.

I have updated the blog with backdated news items, back to December 7th. Hopefully I haven't missed anything too important. It would have been well nigh impossible without the help of Kat Newkirk. I will probably be going away for a week or so to recuperate, and may not have access to the Net - but if I do abandon the blog for a period I will let you know in advance.

Finally, and also thanks to Kat, here's a little December nonsense from The Onion to raise a Christmas Day smile:
Egyptian Conservationists Fight To Protect Dwindling Mummy Population
"Experts suspect many mummies have simply become disoriented and wandered off their usual migratory paths, while others are thought to be doggedly pursuing trespassers who disturbed their sanctuaries, even as the foreign visitors return to their home countries thousands of miles away. Most conservation groups, however, stress that Egyptians should focus on preserving the mummies that still remain, though recent efforts to increase their numbers by breeding them in captivity have failed, since mummies are dead and therefore cannot reproduce."
See the above page for the full, wonderfully improbable story.


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- Happy Coptic Christmas
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- Apologies For The Blog Silence
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- Christmas Postings
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