Christmas postings

Christmas postings

See today's postings below, as usual.
As from today, Friday 16th, I am all over the place until after Christmas, so apologies in advance if things become very intermittent for the next two weeks - I'm not sure what sort of Internet connections will be available. I'll be home in London some days, so there will certainly be updates. Things will be back to normal after the 29th December.
To those of you who are also celebrating the silly season, I wish you an early Happy Christmas - do have a great time.

All the best

- Happy Coptic Christmas!
I nearly missed posting today about Coptic Christmas because I thought that it was the 6th January today, for which my apologies - things have been a little hectic up here in Wales! In the Coptic Orthodox religion Christmas takes place on the 29th of...

- Happy Coptic Christmas
In the Coptic Orthodox religion Christmas takes place on the 29th of "Kiahk" (a Coptic month), which is equivalent to the 7th of January. Here's the Wikipedia explanation of the dissonance between the two dates: Until the 16th century, 25 December...

- Christmas In Egypt Today
Tour Egypt Because of the time the Holy Family spent in Egypt with the infant Jesus, Christmas is a very special celebration in Egypt. In Egypt, Copts, who are Egypt's traditional Christians, ...

- Apologies For The Blog Silence
Dear All This is a very swift and apologetic message to let you all know that I am still here. I have been in hospital for some time. I was admitted to intensive care at St Thomas's Hospital in London UK at the beginning of December with gall bladder,...

- Back Again
I'm back in London, and have resumed my usual happy status of being cuddled up to my broadband connection. Catch-up posts are below, and normal service will be resumed as from tomorrow. I hope that those of you celebrating Christmas had a great time...

