Back again

Back again

I'm back in London, and have resumed my usual happy status of being cuddled up to my broadband connection. Catch-up posts are below, and normal service will be resumed as from tomorrow.

I hope that those of you celebrating Christmas had a great time and are preparing happily for the New Year.

All the best

- Interruption To Normal Service
Apologies for the interruption to normal service. It has been a surprisingly busy few days! The blog will be resumed either this evening or tomorrow morning. Kind regards AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Blog Update - Christmas Break
Hello to All As of tomorrow I'm off up to North Wales for Christmas with my family. I make no promises about blog updates. I do have dial-up access, but it is painfully slow and I don't think that I'll endear myself to my family if I vanish...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the lack of weekend postings. More trouble in paradise! Normal service really has resumed this time. I've back-dated the postings for Saturday and Sunday. If I get time today I'll go back and translate the Spanish and Italian articles...

- Blog Update
Thanks to all for bearing with me - I managed to post a few items, but I had no access to email and the dial up connection was so slow that I didn't spend as much time as usual hunting around for items. Normal service has now been resumed! Sincere...

- Christmas Postings
See today's postings below, as usual. As from today, Friday 16th, I am all over the place until after Christmas, so apologies in advance if things become very intermittent for the next two weeks - I'm not sure what sort of Internet connections...

