Blog Update

Blog Update

Thanks to all for bearing with me - I managed to post a few items, but I had no access to email and the dial up connection was so slow that I didn't spend as much time as usual hunting around for items. Normal service has now been resumed!
Sincere gratitude as ever to Kat Newkirk and Chris Townsend for continuing to keep me up to date.
All the best

- Egyptology Blog - Updates And 4th Birthday
I will be away from an Internet connection as from today for the next two weeks, so the blog will not be updated. My apologies, but I will backdate the blog as usual on my return. Hopefully nothing astounding happens in my absence! At the same time,...

- Blog Update
Hello to all Thanks very much indeed for the comments, emails etc - all much appreciated! I've updated the blog back until the 21st December (they start after the last "Blog Update" which is easy to find by looking for my over-the-top Christmas tree...

- Blog Updates
Just a quick post to let you know that I will be in Wales for the next few days. I should have email and Web access, so I am hoping to be able to update the Blog, but it will probably be done every other day. If the blog isn't updated, it will be...

- Blog Update
Hi to all As I posted yesterday, I'm back in the UK after a terrific week away with some really great people, visiting some parts of Egypt that I have never been lucky enough to experience before. I will post the photographs online when I have finished...

- Back Again
I'm back in London, and have resumed my usual happy status of being cuddled up to my broadband connection. Catch-up posts are below, and normal service will be resumed as from tomorrow. I hope that those of you celebrating Christmas had a great time...

