Blog Update

Blog Update

Hi to all

As I posted yesterday, I'm back in the UK after a terrific week away with some really great people, visiting some parts of Egypt that I have never been lucky enough to experience before. I will post the photographs online when I have finished editing them (there are a couple of thousand - it may take some time!).

Sorry the update was a bit late - it took me longer than usual to go plough through emails and websites to update the blog retrospectively.
You'll find all the news items dating from (and including) 4th November below. You may need to go into the archive to go back to the November 4th items.

If I've missed any news items that you've noticed elsewhere, please let me know so that I can plug the gap.

Special thanks to Kat Newkirk for all the forwarded news items - Kat, you're a star.

Also, many thanks to everyone who emailed for the welcome home! Much appreciated.

All the very best to everyone

- Twitter
For those who would like to keep up to date with important Egyptology news stories as they happen, I now post the most important news items as they come in, to my Twitter account.  There are no book or exhibition reviews, and any minor items are...

- Blog Update
I'm away again as from tomorrow. going home for a visit to my father in north Wales. I'll be away for a week or so. I'm also collecting a new car and I may stay with a friend for a few days on the way back to London, so I'm not quite sure...

- Blog Update
Hi to all First of all, a HUGE thanks to Ben Morales-Correa for picking things up where I left off, particularly as I gave him no notice and I was away for much longer than I originally planned. Many many thanks also to Kat Newkirk, as ever, for continuing...

- Blog Update
Hello to all Thanks very much indeed for the comments, emails etc - all much appreciated! I've updated the blog back until the 21st December (they start after the last "Blog Update" which is easy to find by looking for my over-the-top Christmas tree...

- Blog Update
It is so very typical that the KV63 website should have been updated whilst I was in Wales. I have checked it every day since the last update, and it really is one of those laws of life that new photos were added whilst I was away. Anyway, I'm back...

