

For those who would like to keep up to date with important Egyptology news stories as they happen, I now post the most important news items as they come in, to my Twitter account.  There are no book or exhibition reviews, and any minor items are excluded, but any breaking news items will be posted on Twitter (and then repeated here on the blog itself when I update it, which is usually on a Saturday or Sunday).  I also retweet related items from other Twitter accounts.  It does make for some duplication, and there's more content about conferences, digital archaeology and museum work. It may not suit everyone but if you're interested see:

- Definitely Closing This Time!
After a couple of attempts to keep Egyptology News going, this is just a quick note to point out the self-evident fact that I no longer have the time to keep either the blog or the associated Twitter account up to date.  For those on Twitter I recommend...

- News For 16th February 2013
Copied from my Twitter account @egyptologynews, in no particular order Today is the 90th anniversary of the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. The Telegraph A New Kingdom jigsaw puzzle from Malqata:...

- A Million Thanks
My feelings about closing the blog were distinctly ambivalent even before all the messages. I am so sorry that it has taken me a while to respond, but you all gave me a lot to think about. Thank you SO much for all those messages!  I feel very lucky...

- Minufiyeh Survey Now On Twitter
MinufiyehSurvey I cannot believe that I am again advertising a Twitter site! It is good to see that there are a growing number of archaeological projects using Twitter and other online applications as a quick way to keep people updated. Jo Rowlands...

- Vincent Brown's Breaking News On Egyptology News
I have joined forces with Vincent Brown, of the Talking Pyramids website, to add an extra dimension to the blog. Vincent kindly provided access to his daily news updates on Twitter via a feed in the side bar to the right. Vincent has been providing links...

