Definitely closing this time!

Definitely closing this time!

After a couple of attempts to keep Egyptology News going, this is just a quick note to point out the self-evident fact that I no longer have the time to keep either the blog or the associated Twitter account up to date.  For those on Twitter I recommend @Bennu, run by Vincent Brown.

The final straw was when Google Reader closed and Feedly lost all my newly imported feeds.  Life's just too short, sometimes.

I've disabled comments so that I can leave the old posts up as an archive without having to worry about monitoring the blog but you can still email me on the address shown in the right hand column.

Thanks to everyone.

- Closing Down
After eight and a half years I rather suspect that I am closing down this blog.  I haven't found the time to update it in nearly a month.  It was always time-consuming, but recently it has become exceedingly difficult to find the time to...

- Twitter
For those who would like to keep up to date with important Egyptology news stories as they happen, I now post the most important news items as they come in, to my Twitter account.  There are no book or exhibition reviews, and any minor items are...

- Egyptology News Is Now On Twitter
It's not exactly the news of the century but for those of you who prefer to follow Twitter to collect your news, you can now find Egyptology News at If you're in the UK and you really want my posts to follow...

- Vincent Brown's Breaking News On Egyptology News
I have joined forces with Vincent Brown, of the Talking Pyramids website, to add an extra dimension to the blog. Vincent kindly provided access to his daily news updates on Twitter via a feed in the side bar to the right. Vincent has been providing links...

- Pyramid Updates
Egyptian Pyramids Two great pieces of news: there is a new blog by Vincent Brown which is dedicated to Egyptian Pyramid news (see the blog at the above address), and Vincent has just received information today that the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre are...

