Egyptology News is now on Twitter

Egyptology News is now on Twitter

It's not exactly the news of the century but for those of you who prefer to follow Twitter to collect your news, you can now find Egyptology News at

If you're in the UK and you really want my posts to follow you around you can get updates via SMS by texting
follow egyptologynews to
- 86444 in the United Kingdom or
- 40404 in the United States

For other countries you can see the above page for the access codes for other countries.

It is set up to give you the heading of the post and a link to the post itself. It only shows the most recent five posts on a given day, and there are usually more than that. Unless someone has some magical fix there appears to be no way around this.


On the subject of social networking I no longer have a Facebook account. This is a temporary state of affairs.

- Definitely Closing This Time!
After a couple of attempts to keep Egyptology News going, this is just a quick note to point out the self-evident fact that I no longer have the time to keep either the blog or the associated Twitter account up to date.  For those on Twitter I recommend...

- A Million Thanks
My feelings about closing the blog were distinctly ambivalent even before all the messages. I am so sorry that it has taken me a while to respond, but you all gave me a lot to think about. Thank you SO much for all those messages!  I feel very lucky...

- Twitter
For those who would like to keep up to date with important Egyptology news stories as they happen, I now post the most important news items as they come in, to my Twitter account.  There are no book or exhibition reviews, and any minor items are...

- Report On The Mummies’ Trip To The Hospital
Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown) With photos. Brooklyn Museum’s trip to the hospital with four of their mummies yesterday was an event not to be missed. Many of us all over the world were able to ‘tune in’ via popular social networks such as Flickr...

- Valley Of Kings Tomb Kv40
A team of archaeologists from the University of Basel have been excavating Valley of kings tomb KV40 for long regarded by past explorers as unimportant in a cemetery of kings. The archaeologists have found the remains of 50 people in the tomb including...

