Closing down

Closing down

After eight and a half years I rather suspect that I am closing down this blog.  I haven't found the time to update it in nearly a month.  It was always time-consuming, but recently it has become exceedingly difficult to find the time to keep it going as I would like. 

I won't delete it - the archive will still be there. I will also continue to moderate comments. 

Instead, I will start posting news items to my Twitter account, which will take much less time and can be done on a rather more ad hoc basis.  @egyptologynews, for anyone interested. 

If you still wish for a blog-based news service there are lots of them out there.  When I started Egyptology News it was the only such service, but lots of other people are now doing a similar job.  Just do a Google search and see which one you like the best.  EEF produce a weekly round-up, too.

My eternal thanks and a huge hug to Kat Newkirk, who has been copying me on news emails for years and years.  Kat, please keep me on your distribution list - I will be using it for Twitter instead.

My sincere thanks to all of you who have followed the blog over the years too - it has been fun. 


- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
DigiZeitschriften Thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. Le Musée Egyptien  al-Mathaf al-Misrī     1909-1915 Le Musée Egyptien Band 3     1904-1907 Le Musée Egyptien Band 2    ...

- Twitter
For those who would like to keep up to date with important Egyptology news stories as they happen, I now post the most important news items as they come in, to my Twitter account.  There are no book or exhibition reviews, and any minor items are...

- Entropy And The Universe
                               Entropy and the Universe Milky Way over Devil's Tower      Entropy is defined as the lack of order of predictability...

- The Ancient Calendar Of The Akkadians Compared To Modern Jewish Calendar
                                            The Akkadian Calendar              ...

- The Cash Register In The Desert
"Even though we had allowed people to take pictures in the Valley, people continued to bribe the guards and take cameras into the tombs and use flash."                            ...

