News for 16th February 2013

News for 16th February 2013

Copied from my Twitter account @egyptologynews, in no particular order

Today is the 90th anniversary of the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. The Telegraph

A New Kingdom jigsaw puzzle from Malqata: reconstructing a pottery vessel and a bone disc. iMalqata dig diary

The new volume of The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (EES) is now out (vol. 98, 2012). The Table Of Contents is at …

The head of the Egyptian antiquities ministry believes that archaeology and tourism will bounce back. NBC Science

Digital Egypt: Museums of the Future:

I had a brilliant afternoon volunteering at the Petrie Museum's Digital Egypt event today. I'll be writing it up on the Museum's blog v. soon.If you're interested in the digitizing of archaeology in museums you might check out @3DPetrie on Twitter, charting the museum's digi work. If you're on Facebook, here's my initial enthusiastic blurb re the Digital Egypt event at the Petrie (under the pic).

- Egyptology News For March 14th - 16th 2013
From @egyptologynews.  Happy St Patrick's Day for tomorrow! Open Air Museum. Temple of Tod. Bobblehead no more: finishing the falcon mummy conservation treatment. With photos. Penn Artifact Lab RT @SakhmetK Report on...

- Egyptology News 25th February - 2nd March 2013
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Apologies that this is such a long post.  I've been up to my ears in work and haven't had time to do much.  But this covers the period between 25th Feb and 2nd March, in no particular order as usual....

- News For 17th, 18th And 19th February 2013
Copied from @egyptologynews. It has been a busy few days, so apologies for the late posting, but here's the news round-up. Oriental Inst.News and Notes (PDF). 6 pages on Demotic Dictionary + small piece on Statue of Liberty's ties to Egypt

- News From 12th February 2012
Copied from my Twitter @egyptologynews account Preserving one of Egypt’s most efficient ecosystems: The mangrove. Egypt Independent Amara West excavations 2013: the past as seen in photos from a photographic kite flown over...

- Ees Webinar
EES webinar AUTUMN 2012 The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: Cultural Property and the antiquities trade in Egyptology Saturday 29 September 2012, 1 - 4pm (including a break) This is an online event; join the EES at

