News from 12th February 2012

News from 12th February 2012

Copied from my Twitter @egyptologynews account

Preserving one of Egypt’s most efficient ecosystems: The mangrove. Egypt Independent

Amara West excavations 2013: the past as seen in photos from a photographic kite flown over the site. British Museum

Malqata dig diary: One enigmatic feature of the site is a huge area over 72,000sq.m that is a vast deposit of potsherds

Eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Bibliotheca Alexandrina 13th-20th September 2013

A Roman statue head has been repatriated to Egypt from Brazil. With photo. Luxor Times

Not news, just a short article on the AE city of On (Heliopolis), but might be of interest to some. Daily News Egypt

Job opening: Herbert Thompson Lecturer in Ancient Egyptian Language, University of Cambridge, Department of Archaeology

Digital Archaeology. Uncovering the “A New Look at Ancient Egypt” website after years of neglect.

Free online: The Goddess Hathor and the women of ancient Egypt. Danielle Basson. MPhil, University of Stellenbosch

French archeologist Michel Wuttmann found dead in his Cairo apartment, investigators suspect foul play. Washington Post

Barry Kemp and his team have resumed work at Amarna. Their email newsletter is copied here:

Amara West Dig Diary 2013: the latest from Cemetery C. British Museum

Speaking at Harvard, Egyptologist Marc Gabolde offered different interpretation of Tut DNA evidence. Harvard Gazette

Brown University's Abydos Dig has uncovered a skeleton in the North Cemetery, among other finds. Brown Daily Herald

- News For 17th, 18th And 19th February 2013
Copied from @egyptologynews. It has been a busy few days, so apologies for the late posting, but here's the news round-up. Oriental Inst.News and Notes (PDF). 6 pages on Demotic Dictionary + small piece on Statue of Liberty's ties to Egypt

- News For 16th February 2013
Copied from my Twitter account @egyptologynews, in no particular order Today is the 90th anniversary of the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. The Telegraph A New Kingdom jigsaw puzzle from Malqata:...

- News For 14th February 2013
Happy Valentine's Day! News copied from Twitter @egyptologynews The ARCE has announced the launch of its new Luxor West Bank Archaeological Field School for local MSA/SCA inspectors Article about the building of the replica...

- News From 13th February 013
Copied from @egyptologynews The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs: I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several...

- Stories From W/e 10th February 2013
Taken from my @egyptologynews Twitter account: Free online paper: Architectural Conservation of an Amun Temple in Sudan. T. Sweek, J.R. Anderson, S. Tanimoto. JCMS.       Queen Hatshpsut’s Netery-Menu has...

