News for 14th February 2013

News for 14th February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

News copied from Twitter @egyptologynews

The ARCE has announced the launch of its new Luxor West Bank Archaeological Field School for local MSA/SCA inspectors

Article about the building of the replica of a New Kingdom chariot for a television show. ARCE

New on the EES Publishing Blog: "Hasiballah Saqqara photos 1909-1988" with photos.

Interesting article looking at the role of spiritual leaders in rural communities a generation ago. Al Ahram Weekly

A 48 hour tour of the heritage of some of the New Valley oases during a forum on sustainable tourism. Al Ahram Weekly

Forthcoming titles from the AUC include three Egyptology, two Coptic studies titles and one about Old Cairo heritage.

Diana Craig-Patch talks about roof collapse at the Malqata excavation, west bank Luxor. iMalqata Dig Diary

New book: Gold and Gold Mining in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. R.Klemm and D.Klemm (Geoarchaeology in the Eastern Desert)

Jane Akshar's notes from the Mummification Museum Lecture, Luxor: Joint Expedition to Malqata. Luxor News Blog

Routine archaeo survey in one of Alexandria’s most densely populated areas revealed Graeco-Roman tombs. Ahram Online

As the project comes to completion: "Demotic Dictionary unveils culture of ancient Egypt." University of Chicago.

Official denial of problems at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo by Minister of Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim. allAfrica

As the value of the Egyptian pound continues to fall, a look at mosques shown on LE and piastre notes. Cairobserver

Amara West 2013 dig diary: faience production in the town?

Greco-Roman tombs have been discovered at Gabbari necropolis in Alexandria. Luxor Times

- Egyptology News For The 4th And 5th March
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Most recent at the top. In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ A report that says Egyptian antiquities officials have...

- News For 20th February 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Via HistoryoftheAncient ‏@historyancient: Article: Karnak: Where the digital age meets ancient Egypt Remains of a mud-brick pyramid-shaped tomb cover belonging to vizier Khay (reign of Ramesses...

- News From 13th February 013
Copied from @egyptologynews The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs: I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several...

- News For 11th February 2013
Copied from @egyptolognews (Twitter) Cleopatra's World - Lecture Series free to listen to on iTunes, with some very good names - Kasia Szpakowska Kasia Szpakowska ‏@SakhmetK So pleased that "Companion to Women in the Ancient...

- Stories From W/e 10th February 2013
Taken from my @egyptologynews Twitter account: Free online paper: Architectural Conservation of an Amun Temple in Sudan. T. Sweek, J.R. Anderson, S. Tanimoto. JCMS.       Queen Hatshpsut’s Netery-Menu has...

