News for 20th February 2013

News for 20th February 2013

Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews.

Via HistoryoftheAncient ‏@historyancient: Article: Karnak: Where the digital age meets ancient Egypt

Remains of a mud-brick pyramid-shaped tomb cover belonging to vizier Khay (reign of Ramesses II) found. Ahram Online

Creating a pointcloud for a 3D model of houses in E13, Amara West, using a process called ‘Structure from Motion’.

Via @chrisnaunton. New book in German - the personal memories of the former Director General of the Egyptian Museum

Durham Univ. 3–4 March 2013 2-day international conference, The Construction of Time in Antiquity. lutz.doering [at]

Missed this a couple of wks ago: Campbell Price's Texts in translation #10: The Stela of Hesysunebef (Acc. No. 4588)

Penn Artefact Lab: A step a-“head”: improving storage for our mummified heads

Curator's Choice: Sue Giles on a toy from a child's grave at Bristol's King of Egypt show. Culture24

Discovery of Luxor tomb of Vizier Khay, “the First Royal Herald of the Lord of the two lands” announced. Luxor Times

Avenue of the Sphinxes in Luxor, fully illuminated at night for the first time. Lots of photos. Luxor Times

Amara West 2013: scarabs – for life and death.

Via Alice Williams ‏@alicewilliams86:
Fab new book on World Archaeology at the Pitt-Rivers, with fascinating chapters on the Egypt & Sudan collections:

Book Review - Americans in Egypt, 1770-1915 …

Upstairs, Dowstairs: contrasting palace life and village life at excavations in Malqata

New Book: Leatherwork from Qasr Ibrim (Egypt). Part I: Footwear from the Ottoman Period. André J. Veldmeijer 2013

- Egyptology News For March 11th 2013
Reposted from Twitter ‏@egyptologynews. Rock art sites and rich archaeological site dating back more than five hundred thousand years found in NE Sudan. PAP In N.Sudan archaeologists have found remains of early Homo sapiens settlements...

- News For 3rd March 2013
Yesterday's news from the world of Egyptology, copied over from Twitter. Via Kristian Strutt ‏@kdstrutt: Antinoupolis Project blog. Visit to the Via Hadriana, Deir El Sombat and rock-cut coptic church Via Maria Nilsson...

- News From 21st To 24th February 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews Free article: The Calendars of Ancient Egypt. By R.A. Parker. University of Chicago Press, 1950. Hist.of the Anc.Wrld A thorough reflection reveals a long-forgotten link between the foundation of...

- News For 14th February 2013
Happy Valentine's Day! News copied from Twitter @egyptologynews The ARCE has announced the launch of its new Luxor West Bank Archaeological Field School for local MSA/SCA inspectors Article about the building of the replica...

- News From 13th February 013
Copied from @egyptologynews The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs: I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several...

