News from 13th February 013

News from 13th February 013

Copied from @egyptologynews

The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs:

I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several weeks already published (in Spanish): …

Apologies if I've posted this before, but excellent if you are interested in Gilf Kebir: Wadi Sura project reports:

Super photo from 1920s Port Said. National Geographic.

Em Hotep Digest vol. 02 no. 05: Ancient Egyptian Gods, Myths, and Legends.

Disputed St Louis Art Museum Ka Nefer Nefer mask settlement terms to be discussed on appeal. Cultural Heritage Lawyer

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology database images are now available under Creative Commons license C BY-NC-SA 3.0

Slightly off-topic but interesting. Ancient languages reconstructed by computer program. BBC

The Ptolemaic temple of Qasr Al Agouz on Luxor’s west bank is to open next week. With 3 photos. Ahram Online

Book: O.E. Kaper. Colours of the Oasis: Artists and the archaeology of Dakhleh Oasis. Only available from publisher

- Egyptology News For The 4th And 5th March
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Most recent at the top. In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ A report that says Egyptian antiquities officials have...

- News For 20th February 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Via HistoryoftheAncient ‏@historyancient: Article: Karnak: Where the digital age meets ancient Egypt Remains of a mud-brick pyramid-shaped tomb cover belonging to vizier Khay (reign of Ramesses...

- News From 12th February 2012
Copied from my Twitter @egyptologynews account Preserving one of Egypt’s most efficient ecosystems: The mangrove. Egypt Independent Amara West excavations 2013: the past as seen in photos from a photographic kite flown over...

- Updated Excavation Websites
The following is a list of websites which have been updated this season with news about ongoing excavations: Amheida, Dakhleh Oasis Deir el-Banat, Faiyum DepressionLast...

- Not A First, But Still . . .
It's not the first time this has happened, but still . . . . it's a bit unnerving: I haven't found any news to post this morning! It isn't helping much that Goolge Alerts, my faithful assistant in all matters web-related, has chosen to...

