Stories from W/E 10th February 2013

Stories from W/E 10th February 2013

Taken from my @egyptologynews Twitter account:

Free online paper: Architectural Conservation of an Amun Temple in Sudan. T. Sweek, J.R. Anderson, S. Tanimoto. JCMS. 
Queen Hatshpsut’s Netery-Menu has been reconstructed at Karnak, open to public by the End of February. Luxor Times
David Lightbody has added a piece about the new find of 35 Sudanese pyramids with inner circles on his Arkysite blog

Osteogenesis imperfecta in skeletal remains of foetus from Romano-Byzantine cemetery, Dakhleh Oasis. Past Horizons

Book Review by Tim Reid: "Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum" E.R. Russmann. Egyptians

The iMalqata dig diary is being updated: "A Celebration Fit for a King: Amenhotep III's Heb Sed festival." iMalqata

Slightly older article, but in case you missed it from 30th Jan: Searching for lost royal city in Nubia. Past Horizons

Temple of Mut dig diary is online for the new season: "Back at Mut – How things have changed!" With pics. Brooklyn Mus.

Proyecto de la UJA en Egipto "peligra" por la supresión de ayuda del Gobierno. Europa Press

Reviews of the British Film Institute's "Digging the Past" in 3 parts:,,

Early Third Intermediate Period tombs with grave goods found at Mortuary temple of Amenhotep II on west bank. Al Shorfa

Lovely review from @egyptologynews of @poisonchallis and I at @bfi having a great deal of fun in the name of research! …

30 Jan françois tonic françois tonic ‏@francoistonic
@egyptologynews little news about Karakhamon et South Asasif (in french sorry)

Leiden excavations at Saqqara: Dig diary, week 3: 2nd - 8th February 2013. A Name for the Anonymous

Em Hotep Digest vol. 02 no. 04: Dedicated to Barbara Adams best known from Hierakonpolis Expedition and Petrie Museum

Amara West: The life of a field ceramicist is certainly never dull, though perhaps sometimes repetitive. With photos.

Archeologists excavating near Luxor have found a wooden sarcophagus believed to belong to a 5-yr old. Huffington Post

35 small pyramids, along with graves, have discovered clustered closely together at Sedeinga in Sudan.Yahoo News.

Mini-pyramids of of Kush: Archaeologists discover 35 burial chambers in Sudan desert with fascinating links to Egypt

Ahram Online traces the footsteps of Egyptian and Sudanese history in the capital, Khartoum.

Ancient Rome In Libya: A Suppressed History Resurfaces After Revolution. With photos. IBT

Very short piece about fire breaking out at Karnak Temple. More will doubtless be forthcoming. Al Arabiya

- Egyptology News 6th - 8th May 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews Wadi es-Sebua, Lake Nasser, Nubia Fieldwork A new temple and palace of Meroitic Queen Amanitore found in Wad Banaga area, Sudan. Sudan Vision  Yet more re the submerged 1200 year old city...

- Egyptology News 17th-18th April 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Have a good weekend everyone! Amun in the form of a Ram, Kawa, Nubia. c.680BC.  1931.553. Ashmolean Museum Fieldwork The British Museum website has new pages re the BM and Sudan Archaeological Research Society...

- Egyptology News For 12th And 13th March 2013
From Twitter @egyptologynews.   Where on earth is this year going??  I cannot believe that it is mid-March already. End of the season post from the Temple of Mut team, from their dig diary, with loads of great photos. Brooklyn Museum

- Egyptology News For The 4th And 5th March
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Most recent at the top. In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ A report that says Egyptian antiquities officials have...

- News For 17th, 18th And 19th February 2013
Copied from @egyptologynews. It has been a busy few days, so apologies for the late posting, but here's the news round-up. Oriental Inst.News and Notes (PDF). 6 pages on Demotic Dictionary + small piece on Statue of Liberty's ties to Egypt

