News for 17th, 18th and 19th February 2013

News for 17th, 18th and 19th February 2013

Copied from @egyptologynews. It has been a busy few days, so apologies for the late posting, but here's the news round-up.

Oriental Inst.News and Notes (PDF). 6 pages on Demotic Dictionary + small piece on Statue of Liberty's ties to Egypt

Egypt Exploration Society Centenary Awards 2012 providing funding for research at Saqqara and in Khartoum …

Replicas of famous objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun on display at Lord Carnarvon's Highclere Castle. Daily Mail

In Spanish: Analysis of 200 mummies and skeletons from Aswan paints a picture of deprivation, not opulence.

My review of "Digital Egypt: Museums of the Future" (@3DPetrie) has been added to the Petrie Museum's blog today.

Photo slideshow of dunes, rock formations and rock art in the Western Desert

Cotsten Inst of Arch annual review "Backdirt" with article "Coffin Reuse in the Twenty-First Dynasty" by K. Cooney.

Grand Egyptian Museum will receive 5 objects of King Tut’s collection after returning to Egypt. Luxor Times

Amara West 2013 dig diary: getting to grips with this year’s villa. British Museum

Retrospective field diary (posting now from January's work) of excellent EES Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Project.

Jane Akshar's notes from the Mummification Museum lecture: José Galán – Update from the Spanish Mission. Luxor News

Another photo story recording the project to rescue statues of Amenemhat III. Luxor News Blog

Photo story showing emergency project to save 2 colossal statues of Amenhotep III at his funerary temple. Luxor Times

Finding the northern end of the Palace of the King. iMalqata dig diary

Em Hotep Digest vol. 02 no. 06: Jean-François Champollion

Hierarchy of Women within Elite Families. Iconographic Data from the Old Kingdom. V. Vasiljević. Hist.of the Anc.Wrld

Issue 10 of free online journal i-Medjat, edited by the Unité de Recherche-Action Guadeloupe. TOC and PDF at

Video showing reconstruction of the monuments of Biahmu in the Faiyum by Ben Baker and Chris Kirby. YouTube

Was Cleopatra murdered? Author talking about her version of the classic story. No reviews seen yet. Huffington Post

Vast robber pits around the 4,000-year-old Black Pyramid of Amenemhat III, metres deep. Triblive

Truth of Tutankhamun curse removed from myth. Times of Malta

- Egyptology News For The 4th And 5th March
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Most recent at the top. In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ A report that says Egyptian antiquities officials have...

- News For 16th February 2013
Copied from my Twitter account @egyptologynews, in no particular order Today is the 90th anniversary of the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. The Telegraph A New Kingdom jigsaw puzzle from Malqata:...

- News For 14th February 2013
Happy Valentine's Day! News copied from Twitter @egyptologynews The ARCE has announced the launch of its new Luxor West Bank Archaeological Field School for local MSA/SCA inspectors Article about the building of the replica...

- News From 13th February 013
Copied from @egyptologynews The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs: I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several...

- News From 12th February 2012
Copied from my Twitter @egyptologynews account Preserving one of Egypt’s most efficient ecosystems: The mangrove. Egypt Independent Amara West excavations 2013: the past as seen in photos from a photographic kite flown over...

