Egyptology News for March 14th - 16th 2013

Egyptology News for March 14th - 16th 2013

From @egyptologynews.  Happy St Patrick's Day for tomorrow!

Open Air Museum. Temple of Tod.

Bobblehead no more: finishing the falcon mummy conservation treatment. With photos. Penn Artifact Lab

RT @SakhmetK Report on findings of two visitor surveys about using mobile devices in museums. Digital Media at V&A

#ForeignBodies Exhibition visitor information can be found here: … Trail maps will be uploaded very soon! @UCLMuseums

More photos from the discovery of the remains of battle against the Hyksos. Luxor Times

Important discoveries at Tel Habuwa dig in Delta shed light on campaign by Ahmose I against the Hyksos Ahram Online

Surprising, but NBC says that for the 1st time the Pyramids of Giza + Sphinx will be lit green on St. Patrick’s Day.

Call for abstracts. Origins5 conference 13-18 Apr 2014 (Predynastic and Early Dynastic) Cairo 2013. Full details at

RT @TheSSEA Monica Hanna's photos of destruction at World Heritage Site Dashur  + Antinoupolis

RT @wzzw Oriental Stone: New entry on UCLA's free online Encyclopaedia of Egyptology …

Via Kimberley Freeman ‏@Kim0006
The launch of #foreignbodies in UCL's North Cloisters was AMAZING! Well done @ResearchEngager !

Middle East in Early Prints and Photographs (NYPL Digital Gallery). 1000s of prints, photos from 17th-20th Cs. AWOL

The Coptic blog has just been resumed by Howard Middleton-Jones with updates on Coptic themes. Coptic News + Archive

Travelers in the Middle East Archive. Digital archive emphasising travels to Egypt in 19th and early 20th Cs. AWOL

Short article (from Feb, but I missed it). Musical Apes:Can Baboons Play the Harp? By Gemma Angel. UCL

New Book (French): Laurent Bricault "Les cultes isiaques dans le monde gréco-romain" Les Belles Lettres

Kings and Queens and the case of the pink hippo? Review of the LGBT event at the Petrie, by Chris Webber. UCL

New Book: Ancient Egyptian Administration ed. Juan Carlos Moreno García. Looks comprehensive but very expensive. Brill

Summary of University of Basel 2013 season at the undecorated non-royal tombs in the side valley leading to KV34.Past Horizons

In Spanish. Egyptian state subsidies withdrawn, but as at Aswan excavations continue at Oxyrhynchus. La Vanguardia

Via Campbell Price ‏@EgyptMcr
Tea and cake for #ComicRelief @McrMuseum today - and GINGERBREAD SHABTIS!

Landscaping the entry to the open-air museum was the theme of the Aswan International Sculpture Symposium. Ahram Wkly

Further to my previous post re the 2013 Amheida/Trimethis report, find out more about the project from their homepage

Amheida/Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis) 2013 season report, Jan 20th-Feb 14th. Directed by Roger Bagnall. PDF New York Univ

Travel in the Fayoum, rich in contrasts. Sun-baked desert valleys, frigid lakes and lush farmland. Daily News Egypt

During excavations in the Kings’ Valley University of Basel researchers found one of world’s oldest AE sun dials.

End of the season post from the Temple of Mut team, from their dig diary, with loads of great photos. Brooklyn Museum

- Egyptology News For The 6th And 7th March 2013
Copied from @egyptologynews. Most recent news is at the top. Via Chris Naunton ‏@chrisnaunton. To see what stands to be lost at Antinoupolis see the wonderful images in the Antin Foundation Newsletter #1:

- News For 3rd March 2013
Yesterday's news from the world of Egyptology, copied over from Twitter. Via Kristian Strutt ‏@kdstrutt: Antinoupolis Project blog. Visit to the Via Hadriana, Deir El Sombat and rock-cut coptic church Via Maria Nilsson...

- News From 13th February 013
Copied from @egyptologynews The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs: I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several...

- News From 12th February 2012
Copied from my Twitter @egyptologynews account Preserving one of Egypt’s most efficient ecosystems: The mangrove. Egypt Independent Amara West excavations 2013: the past as seen in photos from a photographic kite flown over...

- Stories From W/e 10th February 2013
Taken from my @egyptologynews Twitter account: Free online paper: Architectural Conservation of an Amun Temple in Sudan. T. Sweek, J.R. Anderson, S. Tanimoto. JCMS.       Queen Hatshpsut’s Netery-Menu has...

