Egyptology News for the 6th and 7th March 2013

Egyptology News for the 6th and 7th March 2013

Copied from @egyptologynews. Most recent news is at the top.

Via Chris Naunton ‏@chrisnaunton. To see what stands to be lost at Antinoupolis see the wonderful images in the Antin Foundation Newsletter #1: …

Salima Ikram has posted on Facebook to say that Sheikh Abada, ancient Roman Antinouplis, Middle Egypt, is being destroyed systematically at …

Exhibition: Secret Egypt: Unravelling Truth from Myth, from 30th March – 1st June at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

Yorkshire historian Joann Fletcher uncovers the lives of ordinary people in Ancient Egypt in a new TV documentary.

Czech Egyptologists uncover 400 prehistoric burials in Sabaloka mountains in C.Sudan. Prague Monitor

Today is World Book Day. What work of history had the greatest impact on your life, why? History Today's Facebook page

Bodies in Aswan tomb reveal premature deaths. Short piece re findings from Qubbet el-Hawa Tomb 33. Past Horizons

Conferencia: Los rituales funerarios. Las concepciones en torno a la muerte y la vida en el más allá.Spain. Ushebtis

Egypt and Italy cooperate to document the history of a forgotten site, Kom Al-Ahmer, in the Delta. Daily News Egypt

Very interesting thoughts from Kristian Strutt at the end of the Antinoupolis season. Well worth a read.

A touring exhibition, featuring Bolton Museum’s famous Egyptology collection, is set to open in China next week.

Via @SakhmetK. Video: Making Many. Investigations into mass production of shabtis using 3D imaging (4.29 mins)

A year old but I don't recall seeing it: The Spring 2012 issue of Aeragram re Memphis excavations is available in PDF

Via David Lightbody. Article on problems with DNA interpretation that apply to Egyptology too

EES events listing for Spring 2013. Some great topics: …

Interview re a technical study of a child sarcophagus. Penn Museum Artifact Lab

Video that aired yesterday a.m. on the BBC about the current state of tourism in Luxor. …

Via @SakhmetK Pottery App Now Turns Virtual Creations Into The Real Deal using 3D printing

Via Amesemi ‏@Amesemi
Online archive for Egyptian stamps is launched | Egypt Independent

Via Gwyn Ashworth-Pratt. Video: A Game Engine Based Visualisation of the Queen Meresankh III Mastaba at Giza (2.15) …

La homosexualidad en los tesoros del antiguo Egipto (about LBGT week). Ushebtis

Authorities foil encroachment on Egypt's Tel Al-Amarna archaeological site. Ahram Onlline

In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ

- Egyptology News 17th-18th April 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Have a good weekend everyone! Amun in the form of a Ram, Kawa, Nubia. c.680BC.  1931.553. Ashmolean Museum Fieldwork The British Museum website has new pages re the BM and Sudan Archaeological Research Society...

- Egyptology News For March 14th - 16th 2013
From @egyptologynews.  Happy St Patrick's Day for tomorrow! Open Air Museum. Temple of Tod. Bobblehead no more: finishing the falcon mummy conservation treatment. With photos. Penn Artifact Lab RT @SakhmetK Report on...

- Egyptology News For March 11th 2013
Reposted from Twitter ‏@egyptologynews. Rock art sites and rich archaeological site dating back more than five hundred thousand years found in NE Sudan. PAP In N.Sudan archaeologists have found remains of early Homo sapiens settlements...

- Egyptology News For The 4th And 5th March
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Most recent at the top. In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ A report that says Egyptian antiquities officials have...

- News For 20th February 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Via HistoryoftheAncient ‏@historyancient: Article: Karnak: Where the digital age meets ancient Egypt Remains of a mud-brick pyramid-shaped tomb cover belonging to vizier Khay (reign of Ramesses...

