Interruption to normal service

Interruption to normal service

Apologies for the interruption to normal service. It has been a surprisingly busy few days! The blog will be resumed either this evening or tomorrow morning.

Kind regards

- Blog Update
Hi to all UPDATE 1720: Done! Further to my earlier comments (below), I have now updated the blog, and will do so again tomorrow morning - but please bear with me next week. 0911: Sorry for the lack of updates for the last two days - I have been somewhat...

- Blog Update - The Next Week Or So.
Hi to all This post is just to let you know that I am off to Wales tomorrow, back on Thursday, so the blog certainly won't be updated tomorrow or Wednesday, and probably not on Thursday either, because at some point that day I've got to go to...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the lack of weekend postings. More trouble in paradise! Normal service really has resumed this time. I've back-dated the postings for Saturday and Sunday. If I get time today I'll go back and translate the Spanish and Italian articles...

- Blog Update: Technical Problems
Apologies for not updating the site for the last couple of days - I've had technical hitches with my Internet provision. I am in the process of updating details at the moment and will hopefully be able to post news items later this evening - failing...

- Back Again
I'm back in London, and have resumed my usual happy status of being cuddled up to my broadband connection. Catch-up posts are below, and normal service will be resumed as from tomorrow. I hope that those of you celebrating Christmas had a great time...

