Blog Update - the next week or so.

Blog Update - the next week or so.

Hi to all

This post is just to let you know that I am off to Wales tomorrow, back on Thursday, so the blog certainly won't be updated tomorrow or Wednesday, and probably not on Thursday either, because at some point that day I've got to go to Rugby to pick up a car.

I will update on Friday and Saturday, but I'm off to Poland for the Symposium on the Later Prehistory of North Eastern Africa at Poznan on Sunday 1st July, and won't be back until late Wednesday 4th. I may not have much time on Thursday and Friday to do the blog, either, due to work committments.

I'll try to update the blog in between other things, but normal service should be resumed on Saturday 7th July, if I can crawl out of bed after all that!
Apologies to those of you who have been alerted to this message about ten times - I am using it to TRY to sort of some of the line spacing problems - yet again!

All the best

- Conference: Disciplinary Measures
Disciplinary Measures? Histories of Egyptology in Multi-Disciplinary Context Thursday 10th and Friday 11th June (Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London) Saturday 12th June (SOAS, London) I'm at another conference this week, as detailed above. After...

- Blog Update
Tomorrow I am off to north Wales for a few days. I won't be updating the blog whilst I'm away but I'll update it on my return. I won't be picking up emails either, so I'll reply when I get back. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday....

- Blog Update
Hi to all UPDATE 1720: Done! Further to my earlier comments (below), I have now updated the blog, and will do so again tomorrow morning - but please bear with me next week. 0911: Sorry for the lack of updates for the last two days - I have been somewhat...

- Blog Update
Continuing with my unplanned period of undependability, I may not be updating the blog for the next two days. I have to go to North Wales tomorrow afternoon. The plan is to be back on Wednesday afternoon, but I may have quite a lot of catching up to...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the lack of weekend postings. More trouble in paradise! Normal service really has resumed this time. I've back-dated the postings for Saturday and Sunday. If I get time today I'll go back and translate the Spanish and Italian articles...

