Blog Update - and request for photographs

Blog Update - and request for photographs

I am off to the Current Research in Egyptology IX conference tomorrow (Wednesday 9th - better late than never, and thanks to Jacky from CRE for making it happen at all, because I forgot to register). I will be back at the weekend.

If anyone has any good photographs of Egypt to share with blog visitors, particularly photos that offer slightly different views, unusual subjects, artefacts from obscure museums, or sites that are off the beaten track, I would welcome them very much indeed for the Daily Photo slot. I am running out of digital photographs, which means that to provide sufficient photos I will need to start scanning photographs taken on film - not only does it mean carrying out a serious excavation beneath my spare bed to dig out the necessary photo albums, but I really don't have the time to do the scanning right now. I will of course give full credit to whoever submits photographs.

- Daily Photo
The Daily Photo will be resumed shortly, along with other normal services. Rick Menges kindly sent me some photographs to use, and those will be up in the next few days, and I've received other generous offers too which I will be taking up soon. Plus,...

- Daily Photo - Aswan Past And Present
My sincere thanks to George Mutter for sending me these photographs of Aswan today and in the past. The old photographs were taken in 1906, exactly 100 years before the modern photographs. As George says, the juxtaposition is rather nice. The photos were...

- Daily Photo - Karnak
I've posted several photographs of Karnak before, but this is a new bunch scanned from old photo albums. Karnak will be the featured site for the Daily Photo for the next few days. The site is vast and incredibly complex - and is still under excavation...

- Daily Photo - Views From The Pyramids At Giza
I asked if anyone could supply some new and/or unusual images for my Daily Photo spot, and Fred Sierevogel has certainly helped out with this request, with these these two photos. Instead of being photographs of the pyramids they are taken from them!...

- Daily Photo Archive
I was asked yesterday if my blog has an archive for the daily photos, which it doesn't. However, I have now added a hyperlink to the Links list so that when you click the Daily Photo link (third one down at the moment), you will find that all of the...

