Daily Photo Archive

Daily Photo Archive

I was asked yesterday if my blog has an archive for the daily photos, which it doesn't.

However, I have now added a hyperlink to the Links list so that when you click the Daily Photo link (third one down at the moment), you will find that all of the daily photos appear without any other posts. This is simply a link to a search result address, but it does the same job.

When you reach the end of the photographs shown on any page, clicking on the "Older Posts" link will take you to the next set of earlier Daily Photos.

In an ideal world you should be able to click on any of the photographs to see the larger image, but it only works on some photographs. It's a case of trying it to see what happens. Sorry about that but I have failed to find a solution so far.


- Stunning Photographs Of Egypt - Correction
Thanks to Ben for letting me know where the photographs that I linked to yesterday actually come from originally. The pictures are part of the series "La Terre vue du Ciel" - Earth from above by Yann Arthus-Bertrandt. To go directly to the Egypt pages...

- Daily Photo - Views From The Pyramids At Giza
I asked if anyone could supply some new and/or unusual images for my Daily Photo spot, and Fred Sierevogel has certainly helped out with this request, with these these two photos. Instead of being photographs of the pyramids they are taken from them!...

- Another Old Photo With A Fighter Plane
dailystaregypt.com I love these unusal photographs of famous monuments. This one is on the Daily Star website. Click the small image to see the full sized photograph, on the Daily Star site.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Blog Update - And Request For Photographs
I am off to the Current Research in Egyptology IX conference tomorrow (Wednesday 9th - better late than never, and thanks to Jacky from CRE for making it happen at all, because I forgot to register). I will be back at the weekend. If anyone has any good...

- Blog Update
Hi to All Please find the blog backdated until last Wednesday. They are easy to spot - all the new posts are located between today's Daily Photo and a place holder Daily Photo for Thursday with images from the tomb of Urirenptah. Thanks as usual...

