Another old photo with a fighter plane

Another old photo with a fighter plane

I love these unusal photographs of famous monuments. This one is on the Daily Star website.

Click the small image to see the full sized photograph, on the Daily Star site.

- Photo - Overview Of Taposiris Magna A photograph showing a great overview of the site. Includes two links to other Taposiris Magna images. Click on the image below to go to the full-sized photograph. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo - Wildlife At Abu Simbel
There was no daily photograph yesterday due to technical hitches - I was unable to load any photographs at all. Here are some photographs taken whilst the cruise ship the Prince Abbas was moored at Abu Simbel on Lake Nasser last March 2007. Click on the...

- Daily Photo Archive
I was asked yesterday if my blog has an archive for the daily photos, which it doesn't. However, I have now added a hyperlink to the Links list so that when you click the Daily Photo link (third one down at the moment), you will find that all of the...

- Photograph: American Tourists With Ramesses Ii
Egypt Daily Star The Daily Star has a photograph today of American tourists looking at the mummified body of Ramesses II in its display cabinet at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- A 1902 Visit To The Pyramids At Giza Daily Star is featuring photographs from the collection of The Arab Image Foundation over the next few weeks. This is a lovely photograph of tourism, complete with camel rides, in 1902: "The...

