Byzantine monuments in Gharbiya

Byzantine monuments in Gharbiya
"An archaeological team from Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) have unearthed monuments and antiquities dating back to the Byzantine era. The monuments, discovered in the town of Qotour in the Delta Governorate of el-Gharbiya, include ovens used for firing clay and the remains of dovecotes. A bronze and copper statue of a god and a pottery statue of another god were also discovered, along with 13 other items, including pots and plates made from pottery, ivory and other materials."
Unfortunately, this is the entire item on the Egyptian Gazette website.

- Discoveries At Karnak
Egyptian Gazette (story on this URL will expire shortly) Zahi Hawass, Egypt's archaeology supremo, yesterday announced the discovery of the remains of a 4,000-year-old dam near the Karnak Temple in Luxor. Located a few metres from the ancient temple,...

- Ancient Cemetery Unearthed In Beni Sueif (The story on this URL will expire shortly) "A Spanish archaeological team in Ihnasia, Beni Sueif Governorate, yesterday unearthed a cemetery dating back to the 1st Intermediate Period (2200-2040 BC). It is here...

- Valley Of The Kings Discovery (Monsters and Critics) "An American archaeological mission discovered a tomb in Luxor's Valley of the Kings next to the burial place of King Tut, Egyptian antiquities authorities announced Wednesday. An excavation team from...

- Documentary On Predynastic Life "The Department of Pre-Dynastic Monuments, an affiliate of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, will produce a documentary on life of ancient Egyptians who lived in the pre-dynastic era. According to Culture Minister...

- Ramses Ii Artefacts Unearthed In Cairo Suburb"Statues and artefacts dating back to the time of Ramsis II have been unearthed in Cairo. Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) Dr Zahi Hawass told The Gazette yesterday that the items...

