Cairo storehose broken into on Monday

Cairo storehose broken into on Monday

Al Masry Al Youm

Around 60 thieves broke into the Selim Hassan artifact storehouse near the Pyramids on Monday, said Minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawass.

Hawass told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the army left the location when police were re-deployed, having been withdrawn by the government on 28 January. But the police are not protecting monuments, which makes them vulnerable to robbery, he said.

The ministry has set up a committee to determine what items have been stolen.

The only way to protect monuments is for the police to carry out their role, he said, but also asked citizens to protect the country's heritage.

Luxor Times

Looters headed towards the road to the second pyramid in Saqqara in their attempt to break in two antiquities magazines. They threatened 5 of the guards and the police guard, tied them down and plastered the mouths before they break into the two magazines which are two rock tombs with no carvings. One of the magazines had the reports of Dr. Selim Hassan excavations from years 1929 till 1968.

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