Cambyses Lost

Cambyses Lost

Excellent article on the lost army of Cambyses and the twin brothers who are making the recent claims.

- News: Iran Requests Unesco's Help Re Lost Army
Heritage Key (Sean Williams) Remember the 'groundbreaking discovery' of Cambyses' lost Persian army a few weeks back, in the Western Desert of Egypt? Almost as soon as it had been announced, Zahi Hawass' Supreme Council of Antiquities...

- News: Press Release From Hawass Re Lost Army "find" For those of you who would like an official announcement to which to link, the SCA's official statement regarding the alleged discovery of the Lost Army of Cambyses is now available on Zahi Hawass's site at the above page. The statement...

- News: Lost Army Of Cambyses Found?
Discovery News has the story about the alleged discovery of the location of the lost army of Cambyses by an Italian team. Many thanks to everyone who sent the links. Discovery News Report (Rossella Lorenzi) Discovery News Slide Show (with some excellent...

- So Long Cambyses
Here a release from Dr. Hawass concerning reports on the finding of Cambyses lost army.

- Cambyses Lost Army
The Persian king Cambyses was a colourful character with quite a temper but how much is reality and how much is mythology has long been the question. Archaeologists have long searched for his 50 000 strong army which vanished in a sandstorm in 525 bc....

